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Climate Change news

Climate Change News

About Us

The team from Society for climate change Communications celebrating 2017 Independance in Day Sierra Leone

The Society 4 Climate Change Communication communicates information about climate change, its impacts and innovative strategies to help Sierra Leone adapt to our new climate reality as third most vulnerable nation to climate change. Join us and campaign for environmental and climate action in Sierra Leone.

About Us
Our Environment


Sierra Leone forests provide livelihoods for communities and protect us all by absorbing CO2 and preventing soil erosion


Join our campaign to raise awareness about the dangerous impacts of climate change affecting 35% of our population and take environmental and climate action in Sierra Leone.


Discover what you can contribute and the real difference you can make with innovative Volunteerism. Get in touch or you can find us on facebook and twitter @scccsierraleone

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Join our campaign to raise awareness about climate change in Sierra Leone!

We'll keep you updated with our latest environmental and climate action campaigns and events

You can reach us by email, whatsapp or letter

            +232 77908976 or +232 25383841


             22 Ansley Street Freetown, Sierra Leone

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Sierra Leone Company Registration: SL280617SOCIEO1810

TIN No:  1089644-8

© 2017-21 Society 4 Climate Change Communication Sierra Leone

Talking climate change, taking climate action in Sierra Leone

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