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The Society 4 Climate Change Communication communicates information about climate change, its impacts and innovative strategies to help Sierra Leone adapt to our new climate reality.

Join us to campaign for environmental and climate action and justice.

Mo Bangura
Governance & Policy
Bai Fofanah
Finance & Administration
Alfred Fornah
Founder & Executive Director
Vidal Sesay
Communications & Media Production Director

Vidal Sesay, S4CCC-SL's Director of Communications and Media Productions studied Information Science in the University of Sierra Leone (USL). Vidal is a Film and Documentary producer. Vidal is passionate about our oceans and to raise awareness about the health and environmental hazards caused by waste disposal and how recycling can create green jobs.

S4CCC-SL Founder, Executive Director and seasoned journalist, Alfred Fornah, passion to fight climate change in Sierra Leone developed when he discovered, in his undergraduate research, how rapidly climate change was already affecting Sierra Leone. Alfred saw the need for an effective communication approach to improve the chances for rapid transformation to a sustainable path for climate change adaptation in Sierra Leone.

Bai Fofanah is in charge of S4CCC's Finance and Administration. He has a wealth of experience in volunteerism and Community development. Bai demonstrates his commitment every day to raising awareness about the sustainable solutions - already in place in other countries and yielding results - that can help Sierra Leone adapt to climate change.

Mo Bangura takes care of governance and policy issues for S4CC-SL. Mo has 20 years of experience in governance and policy including the prestigious National Council of Negro Women in Washington DC. Mo's driving force is the need to adapt our agriculture to a sustainable and the dangers climate change poses to our habitat, bio-diversity and species. in danger


The Society 4 Climate Change Communication is a Non Governmental organization (NGO), operating in Sierra Leone registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission  and Freetown City Council. We are managed by a Board and, committed to being transparent and accountable. We publish our activity plan and budget annually. 


Sierra Leone Company Registration: SL280617SOCIEO1810

TIN No:  1089644-8

© 2017-21 Society 4 Climate Change Communication Sierra Leone

Talking climate change, taking climate action in Sierra Leone

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