Residents call to clear the culvert blocked by rubbish from Bomeh Dumpsite have been answered as Freetown City Council and the Sierra Leone Roads Authority work together to intensify excavation work on the Kissy Bumeh Bridge that links Kissy Brook and Bai Bureh slum community.

Teams are currently clearing the blocked tunnel responsible for the December and May floods affecting local communities.
Speaking to us back in December, community youth group leader, Mohamed Alif, noted the dumpsite caused annual flooding:
“The culvert linking Kissy Brook and another small slum community below - Bai Bureh Road Kissy Dock yard - is blocked because of the on-going work by duty trucks at the Bomeh Dumpsite.

So when it rains, the rubbish clogs the culvert, causing flooding in our community and then the rotting waste from the dump site, often as high as the highest palm, flows straight into our homes and gardens.
This is unacceptable to our community.’’
This timely action by Freetown City Council and the Highways authority, in advance of the worst of rainy season will help prevent future flooding in the area and the health problems associated with rotting waste entering people's homes during rainy season.