Members of the Society 4 Climate Change Communications were proud to welcome Ricarda and Marius, EU environmental advocates from Germany to Sierra Leone for a collaborative experience and skills sharing workshop at the Institute of Advanced Management and Technology (IAMTECH) hosted by Sierra Leone Climate Forum Network yesterday with four participating environmental and climate action civil society organziations aiming to develop effective climate action strategies.

Salami Kanu from Sierra Leone Climate Forum Network, Henry David Bayoh from Pan African Climate Justice Alliance, Alhassan Sesay and Daniel Conteh from Sierra Leone School Green Club, Alfred Fornah and Vidal Sesay from Society 4 Climate Change Communicatio-ns and environmental journalist and activist, Ishmael Salieu Koroma each shared their experiences campaigning for environmental and climate action in Sierra Leone, advocating for change and setting out for the German guests the many challenges and barriers civil society organizations face.
Ricarda and Marius talked about some of their experiences with direct action campaigns for climate justice and envrionmental protection such as activities to keep fossil fuels in the ground to slow global warming. The visitors also commended Sierra Leone youth on working together collaboratively to deliver concrete results like the beach clean ups and recently announced schools prgramme.
Top three take aways from the day were participants committments to:
intensify community and stakeholder egagement to raise awareness abut climate change and environmental degradation
continue to work collaboratively to raise awareness and deliver tangible results through effective lobbying and negotiations
be bold in challenging companies or authorities when their actions or planned actions harm the environment or communities rights
The workshop also agreed to maintain and expand the membership of the German-Sierra Leone Climate Change Forum to facilitate communication and promote skills sharing and further collaboration opourtunities.
Please ❤ and share our journey harnessing the spirit of innovative volunteerism to empower youth and women for environmental and climate action in Sierra Leone the third most vulnerable country to Climate Change.