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Alfred Fornah

Tuesday sees the launch of an innovative EU-funded artwork competion to foster our youth’s active and constructive engagement in climate action targeted at pupils aged 13 – 18 years in junior and secondary education.

Ten schools from the western rural and urban districts will be selected for the art competition with school's being chosen on the basis of their previous level of engaement in environmental and climate change activities.

Schools will be trained and be given art materials for the competion and the three top schools will each win a prize and have their winning artworks exhibited at the British Council during Climate Diplomacy Week to raise awareness of climate change in the third most vulnerable nation to it's dangerous impacts.

Funded by the European Union Delegation to Sierra Leone the competition focuses on youth and their engagement in climate action in recognition of youth all over the world making their voices heard about climate change and asking governments, businesses and all of us to take action. The competition art is a focal point for Climate Diplomacy Weeks celebrations over two consecutive weeks starting from 24 September to 6 October.


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Talking climate change, taking climate action in Sierra Leone

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