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Alfred Fornah

Sierra Leone's second monthly National Cleaning Day got off to a slow start with heavy rains preceding but start it did! You can see in the pics the cleaning of the Wilberforce spur loop as Freetown citizens set too keeping streets and communities clean.

Taken with the Mayors new flood mitigation plan Freetown will be protected as far as possible this rainy season - we can't rule out too much rain as we saw last year with three time our usual rainfall but we're set to face this seson with confidence. With clean gullies, gutters and drains, water will flow freely through Freetown during rainy season, preventing avoidable flooding. Many health problems citizens suffer will also reduce – dirty providing a perfect breeding ground for verminous rats, mice and cockroaches, no longer rampantly spreading disease.

But the first Saturday of every month is truly a national cleaning day as you can see from pics of Bamoi Luma in the Kambia contributed by our s4CCC Kambia volunteer.

With such clean streets accross our nation the first and lasting impression visitors receive of our beautiful nation will boost our determined claim to be a destination of choice for tourists and eco-tourism.

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Talking climate change, taking climate action in Sierra Leone

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