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Alfred Fornah / Alhassan Sesay

Heads down the team are putting the finishing touches to tomorrow's Freetown launch of an innovative school's programme at Freetown Teacher's College to tackle climate change and nurture our sustainability champions of the future, developed in partnership with Sierra Leone School Green Club, Society for Climate Change Communication and Sierra Leone Poverty Alleviation Charitable Trust

Aiming to create a network of Green Clubs and to empower school children to become champions of environmental sustainability in the third most vulnerable country in the world to dangerous climate change impacts.The capacity building project aims to improve environmental awareness and governance in schools, using participatory approaches that bring together stakeholders to share experience on climate change mitigation and adaptation and will also develop the skills of pupils and promote environmental friendly lifestyles so that pupils can protect their environment and mitigate the impact of climate change.

The innovative project is the outcome of a collaboration between two Sierra Leone Young Diplomats and their civil society organizations.

Young Diplomat for Nutrition and promoting the SGDs and head of SLSGC, Alhassan Sesay said:

"Collaborative working helps solve problems more quickly, working together we can deliver broader environmental and climate adaptation objectives raising awareness amoungst our youth and creating an action-orientated approach." .

Alfred Fornah, Young Diplomat for Climate Action and promoting the SDGs and Director of S4CCC, explained:

“If the pilot is successful we can work with other environmental organizations in each Distict to create a nationwide-network of Green Clubs in our schools rapidly transforming youth's mind-set to nurture the next generation of environmental and sustainability champions."

The project is funded by the Sierra Leone Poverty Alleviation Charitable Trust (SALPACT), a registered charity based in the UK.


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Talking climate change, taking climate action in Sierra Leone

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