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Alfred Fornah

Almost a week on from the mudslide tragedy and the Society 4 Climate Change Communication, who broke the story internationally and the Green School Club return to the epicentre of the tragedy, Regent, to meet with CoDWelA social work team who were on the ground on Day One and every day since.

In this week we've seen dignified burials of the first 100 victims recovered although it is clear that many more will lay where they died, unrecovered beneath the terrible slide. The numbers of victims and survivors increases day by day with 235 children and 25 baby survivors at Regent and similar numbers confirmed at Kaningo Juba Hills and Kamayama Pentergun communities.

International support was late in coming and has arrived now bringing much needed rice and oil from the World Food Programme and clean water from UNICEF but there are real risks of cholera outbreaks.

We saw for ourselves desperately needed mattresses arriving and Alfred Sima Kargbo Director of CoDWeLA (Concern 4 Deprived Welfare association) social work team confirms that but many more are needed and survivors, they all need clothing, bedding and somewhere to live.

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